National Math Trail

Education Adventure

Ways to Make Science Fun for Kids

There are many things that make science seem difficult and boring to kids. But with these six ideas, you can make science fun for kids. The more they like what you’re teaching them, the more they will remember. You want your child to want to learn about science?

Make the Language Child-Friendly

One of the most important things to do if you want to make science fun for kids is to make the language child-friendly. When you’re teaching them about different scientific concepts, don’t use words they may not understand. Use terms that they will understand and can relate to.

Hands-On Activities

The next tip in making science fun for kids is using hands-on activities. Kids learn a lot more when they are able to experience what’s being taught in a tactile way.

For example, have your child design their own experiment and be responsible for collecting data from the experiment. This will not only give them an opportunity to practice math skills but also do something that interests them.

There are several ideas that you can get from the internet or online shopping portals.

Talk about how Science helps us in Our Everyday Lives

Talking about how science helps us in our everyday lives is another key factor when it comes to making science fun for kids. As children get older, they start taking more ownership over their choices and actions which could include what they eat or drink, what extracurricular activity they participate in, or even which college or university they attend.

Relay Science with their Aspirations

Kids don’t always get how science can help them in their everyday lives. So, one way to get them interested in science is to demonstrate its importance.


For example, you could talk about how we need scientists and engineers to design products that we use every day like cars and buildings. You could also talk about the importance of scientists and doctors in our lives. By demonstrating the importance of scientists and the scientific process through your words and actions, kids will be more engaged when they see science as a useful tool for helping them live their lives.
