Democracy is an unfinished project and a continuously changing field of learning. So the skills necessary for public life and politics in a democracy have to be learned and democratic action practiced again and again. On the other hand, businesses like have to follow the rules even if they are in a democratic society.
Aim of political education
Political education makes a significant contribution to the development of this democratic culture. It focuses on those questions – not ready-made answers – that are constitutive for peaceful coexistence in a society: the question of the distribution of power and the overcoming of inequality, of the freedom of the individual and the values that unite them, of the just balance of interests and future developments in society. Political education aims at critical ability and maturity and is part of the right to education of every individual in a democracy.
The democratic culture of a country is also an essential location factor for economic development. Political education promotes this culture by bringing the common good into play as a critical companion of social developments and imparting the skills that are necessary for a sustainable democracy, also under economic aspects, in view of the globalization of markets and production locations.
Political education as a prerequisite for future viability
Education enables you to understand the past, to shape the present and to design the future. To do this, it provides insights and knowledge, promotes skills and motivations and creates learning spaces and learning opportunities. Education is a lifelong and continuous process that cannot be limited to learning in formal educational institutions. It happens in different places and in different institutions, in different situations and at different times. In addition to formal learning – in schools, universities and vocational training – education also includes non-formal and informal learning.
Future-oriented and sustainable education therefore not only has the task of conveying information and knowledge but above all to promote skills and competencies that enable a tolerant, cosmopolitan, solidarity and democratic coexistence of all people.
Mission and self-image of political education
Political education is not limited to the traditional political fields but includes all places and fields of action in which political decision-making processes take place and people regulate their own affairs. It is more than political information because it aims at self-confident and competent action in social responsibility.