The theory and practice of cultural education offer a wealth of research disciplines, which should not be represented by scientific disciplines, but arise from a variety of disciplines, interdisciplinary studies. In academic education as well, in education, there is no unified curriculum for preparing the research and practice of cultural education. Despite the breadth of topics, the following article briefly introduces the various research topics, research approaches, and perspectives currently being researched and applied, and the field of cultural pedagogy is now related to Germany.
Higher Education in the Field of Cultural Education
Created by Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft, the constantly updated database of cultural studies currently prepares in the broadest sense for (scientific) work in the field of professional culture. 364 courses are included. “The inventory and research included research courses dealing with cultural mediation in a broader sense and intercultural content and methods. The broad concept of cultural mediation served as the basis for shaping the relationship between cultural production, cultural acceptance, and cultural distribution. It included courses on cultural studies, cultural mediation, cultural activities, cultural education, cultural philosophy, cultural journalism, cultural anthropology/ethnology, cultural heritage, cultural tourism, and cross-cultural subjects, but cultural mediation or cross-cultural.
Study of art education. Funding, Topics, Approach
Cultural education research is progressing, leading to higher publishing densities and higher quality of work in recent years. Cultural education research, in addition to PhDs on a wide range of themes, is likely to reflect the individual research interests of individual scientists, thanks to private foundations and topic-specific funding guidelines in recent years. It has received a lot of attention. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has decided. Neither the German Research Foundation (DFG) nor the German Institute of Educational Sciences has a jury or section/committee for cultural education or mediation. Therefore, a common reference point for research work is usually either educational science or branch-specific forms of the art science.
Exemplary research results and the impact of German cultural education on the (future) practice area
Below are some of the scientific discoveries that have influenced the practice field of cultural education in recent years. The information must be provided. The “practical field” of cultural education means both formal and informal educational practices and informal educational practices. That is extracurricular offers from various providers such as school aesthetics lessons, music schools, adult education centers, cultural institutions, children’s and youth groups. Informal settings that occur frequently in the field of cultural digital media education, as well as social welfare. See for more social news aggregation.